Genshin Impact Stamina - Increase Max Stamina & Stamina Food
Max Stamina in Genshin Impact impacts how long you can glide, sprint, swim and climb, and you can temporarily increase it by eating certain food. Naturally, figuring out how to increase your Genshin Impact max stamina is pretty important, since it’ll let you explore the world and find secrets more freely. So, you want to start getting more Stamina as soon as you can, and the system is a little unusual. So, in our Genshin Impact Stamina – Increase Max Stamina & Stamina Food guide, we’re going to show you how to get more Stamina, which food to eat to replenish it, and more.

How to Increase Max Stamina in Genshin Impact
To increase your Max Stamina in Genshin Impact, you have to collect Anemoculus and donate them to the Statues of the Seven scattered across the map. For example, there’s one at the Seven Day Inn. Anemoculuses (Anemoculi?) appear as stars on your mini-map, and sometimes, they are kinda hard to find. You might have to complete a challenge to get them, but for the most part, they’ll be floating above you. Sometimes they’re kinda hidden, so always keep your eyes opened.
Once you have some Anemoculus to your name, find a Statue of the Seven, interact with it, and choose the “Worship” option. Open the donation menu, and the game will let you know how many Anemoculus you’ll need to raise your Stamina. You can put in everything you have, if you want, the game won’t erase them if you do. More importantly, every region has their own version of Anemoculus and the Statues, so you’ll never be short on ways to increase your Genshin Impact Max Stamina.
Another method you can use is to equip to Anemo characters into a party of four. This both increases your party’s movement speed and lowers stamina consumption by 15%. Of course, this does not work for individual characters; for that, you’ll still have to donate Anemoculus to Statues. But, if you need a boost for the whole party, that’s how to do it.
Stamina Food in Genshin Impact
There are several dishes in Genshin Impact that you can cook in order to either restore Stamina, or decrease depletion by sprinting, gliding, or climbing. They vary in complexity, and certain characters can make more powerful version of the recipe. Anyways, here’s a list of meals we know help with Stamina. The list might not be final, so if you know of any other Stamina Food in Genshin Impact, let us know in the comments.
- Barbatos Ratatouille – Carrot x4, Potato x4, Onion x4 – Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting and gliding for all party members by 20-35% for 900s.
- Cream Stew – Raw Meat x2, Cream x2, Snapdragon x2 – Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting for all party members by 20-35% for 900s.
- Lotus Seed and Bird Egg Soup – Lotus Head x1, Bird Egg x1, Sugar x1 – Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting for all party members by 20-35% for 900s.
- Northern Smoked Chicken – Smoked Fowl x1, Onion x1, Cabbage x1 – Restores 40-70 stamina.
- Sticky Honey Roast – Raw Meat x3, Carrot x2, Sugar x2 – Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting and climbing for all party members by 20-35% for 900s.
- Zhongyuan Chop Suey – Raw Meat x3, Fish x2, Flour x3, Salt x2 – Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting and climbing for all party members by 20-35% for 900s.
- Spicy Stew – Same ingredients as Cream Stew (must be made by Barbara) – Decreases Stamina depleted by sprinting for all party members by 35% for 1800s.
- True Barbatos Ratatouille – Same ingredients as Barbatos Ratatouille (must be made by Venti) – Decreases all party members’ gliding and sprinting Stamina consumption by 35% for 1800s.
How to Use Stamina in Genshin Impact
You use Stamina in Genshin Impact for gliding, sprinting, climbing, and swimming. If you’ve played Breath of the Wild, you know what we mean. Needless to say, having a higher stamina will help you reach places that you might not have been able to in the beginning of your adventure. Plus, it makes things much faster if you can just climb a wall instead of going the long way around. That’s to say nothing of all the food you’re going to save on if you have a longer stamina bar. Well, now you know how to get more stamina in Genshin Impact, so go and collect some Anemoculus.
If you need more help with the game, check out some of the other guides we’ve written. For now, we’ve got How to Process Ingredients, Secret Pirate Treasure Location, and How to Play Co-Op. We hope you find them useful. Good luck!
the best way to swim across a lake is not to swim, but to use ice magic to walk on top of the water. There is nothing better than that.