Short Encounter With a Rare Bird, Genshin Impact Dusk Bird Locations
“A Short Encounter With a Rare Bird” is a very involved and complicated World Quest in Genshin Impact, one that many players are struggling with completing. And it’s no wonder that this is the case, as there are many things you need to do in order to first unlock, and then successfully complete this quest, as well as several steps along the way where you can (seemingly) mess things up. But don’t worry, in our Short Encounter With a Rare Bird, Genshin Impact Dusk Bird Locations guide, we are going to explain how to do the entire quest, from start to finish.

How to Start A Short Encounter With a Rare Bird Genshin Impact
To start this quest, make your way to the southwestern corner of Sumeru. Specifically, to a spot located between Caravan Ribat and Ruin of Daheri. We have marked this place in the screenshot below. Once you get there, you will see a group of Shroomboars. Attack them from afar with a ranged attack. Doing this will cause a cutscene where a nearby NPC will call out to you. Go and talk with this person. He will introduce himself as Shefket, and ask for your assistance with tracking down Dusk Birds.

Hunt Dusk Birds in South of Apam Woods
The first of these Dusk Birds can be found south of Apam Woods. The exact spot is going to be marked on your map, so proceed to that location. For the Dusk Bird to be able to spawn, the weather needs to be Sunny in that region. If it is raining there, you can change the weather to Sunny by using the Vintage Lyre item you get from the Varuna quest. Be careful when approaching the bird. Don’t get too close, or you will scare it off. If you have done that, then you will need to wait for the next daily reset and try again. When you have the Dusk Bird in your sights, shoot it with a bow. This will cause enemies to spawn in. Defeat them and talk with Shefket again. He will point you to the next spot.
Dusk Birds in North of Apam Woods Genshin Impact
Once again, this location is going to be marked on your map. Once you arrive there and shoot the Dusk Bird, you are going to encounter a group of people that say that they are the real protectors of endangered Dusk Birds and that Shefket is lying to you. Orhan and his men are going to set a trap for him.
Hunt Dusk Birds on the Mountains of East of Apam Woods
This begins the last portion of this quest. Make your way to the marked location, and, once there, carefully approach the Dusk Bird and shoot it from afar. Shefket will appear once again and after a short conversation, he and his men will attack you. Take care of them to complete the “A Short Encounter With a Rare Bird” quest.