Relay Stone Mt. Yougou Puzzle - Genshin Impact
In Genshin Impact, there is a very difficult relay stone puzzle on Mt. Yougou. This area was recently added as part of the Inazuma update. If you are unsure about how to get there, we have a great How To Get To Inazuma guide for you. Solving this relay stone puzzle is very much worth it, since doing so will unlock an Exquisite Chest for you. If you know what you are doing, it can be solved really quickly and easily, but if that isn’t the case, it can leave you frustrated, trying out every possible thing to no avail. Since we’re all about helping our fellow players in need, we’ve put together this Relay Stone Mt. Yougou Puzzle – Genshin Impact guide. And, because it’s sometimes easier to show then it is to tell, we’ve also provided a video explanation at the end.

How To Solve The Relay Stone Mt. Yougou Puzzle
As you can see in the video down below, the first thing you should do when starting this puzzle is to pick up the Relay Stone. Then, place it in the exact spot as shown in the video, between these two stones. Next, you will need to be affected by Electro. You can do this by getting hit by the shockwave from the Seelie. Now, all that’s left to do is to put yourself in the middle between these points as a connector. Make sure that you are still affected by Electro, otherwise you won’t be able to do this. If you have performed everything correctly, the Exquisite Chest will unlock. Go to it and loot it to get your hard-earned prize. One last thing to note is that the puzzle can get bugged. If you do not see the Seelie, you cannot solve this puzzle. Logging out and returning to the game should fix the issue.