Radiant Spincrystal Genshin Impact
Now that Genshin Impact 2.4 has been released, many new things have been added to the game. One of these is the inclusion of the Radiant Spincrystal, a new item that you can use to unlock and play new music in your Serenitea Pot. This system allows you to change the music in this location to one of the other music tracks from the Genshin Impact OST. Since the music in this game is so great, this is a very welcome addition to Genshin Impact. In this Radiant Spincrystal Genshin Impact guide, we will show you everything you need to do in order to use this new game mechanic.

How to Get Radiant Spincrystal Genshin Impact
You can purchase Radiant Spincrystals from Chubby, the Teapot Traveling Salesman. Each Radiant Spincrystal costs 100 Realm Currency. When you buy it, you will then be able to use it to unlock new OST tracks. Chubby only appears on certain days of the week. Namely, on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. On Fridays, only the owners of the Realm that he is in will be able to buy from him, while on Saturdays and Sundays, fellow players that are visiting your Realm will also be able to shop there.
How to Use Radiant Spincrystal in Genshin Impact
To be able to use the Radiant Spincrystals, you will also need to purchase one other piece of equipment, this time from Tubby. Speak with Tubby, go into the Riches of the Realm tab in the Realm Depot. Once there, scroll down until you find the Euphonium Unbound: Winding and the Euphonium Unbound: Soaring. Each of these costs 300 Realm Currency, so buy whichever one you prefer. After that, go into the Edit section to place it in your Serenitea Pot. It is in the Landscape section and Ornament tab. Put it wherever you want to. To change music, approach it and interact with it to select which OST tracks you want to play. You will automatically unlock several tracks when you purchase the Euphonium Unbound: Winding or Euphonium Unbound: Soaring, but you will need to unlock the other tracks by purchasing their Radiant Spincrystals.