Process Ingredients Genshin Impact
Process Ingredients is one of the adventure log investigations in Genshin Impact. This quest requires you to perform the task of processing ingredients three times. It’s a simple task, but one that isn’t explained well in the game, which is why a lot of folks are struggling with it. That’s why we’ve decided to write this guide, to show you how to process ingredients in Genshin Impact.

How to process ingredients?
The task is actually incredibly straightforward. Processing ingredients means making something more useful out of them, an ingredient of a higher tier. For example, turning wheat into flour, milk into butter or raw meat into a sausage. It’s something you just order and wait for the processing to finish, but you need to find the appropriate crafting station.

All you need to do is find a cooking pot – any cooking pot will do. Interact with it, and press R1 to move on from the cooking tab to the processing tab. Select what you want from there and leave it to simmer. It’ll take a while to finish processing, but when it does, you’ll just need to grab it and be on your way.
It’s a good system – you don’t have to fumble around a bag of ingredients, looking for what you need. Instead you just pick a result you’d want, and if it’s not greyed out, you can craft it. If it is, that means you’re missing certain ingredients. Move your cursor over it and you’ll see exactly what’s needed, and how many of those you have at hand.
The adventure log quest is a nice bonus – you’ll get some rewards out of it – but the whole point of it is to teach you to use the cooking pot to get the stuff you need from the stuff you don’t. It’s just a pity that it isn’t explained properly.