Perfect Shot Genshin Impact
Perfect Shot is one of a myriad of side quests that you can pick up and complete in Genshin, and it requires you to talk to a specific NPC. Your ultimate reward for completing the Genshin Impact Perfect Shot quest is a special camera that will give a special color flare to all pictures taken with it. As you might have guessed, this quest is tangentially related to the Five Flushes of Fortune event. In this guide, we’ll show you how to start the Perfect Shot quest and more.

How to Start Genshin Impact Perfect Shot Quest
To start the Perfect Shot Genshin Impact quest, you have to Ji Tong after the current Five Flushes of Fortune event wraps up. This should happen February 13th, depending on your time zone. When the event ends, go straight for Ji Tong (aka the guy that gave you the camera in the first place) and have a chat with him. He should give you the Perfect Shot quest, at the end of which you’ll earn the “Special Kamera” gadget. It will give special colors to all photos taken with it. That’s the info we have at the time of writing; we’ll be sure to update you with more info when it becomes available.
As we’ve already mentioned, the Genshin Impact Perfect Shot quest is the conclusion of the Five Flushes of Fortune event that’s currently taking place in the game. During the event, players have to use the camera given to them by Ji Tong to take pictures of specific targets, netting them a photo of a specific color. Then, they can trade photos with other players in order to collect pictures of as many colors as they can. In fact, in the last three days, you’ll only be able to trade photos.
Quick side note: you can carry a maximum of fifty photos in your inventory. If you start acquiring more, the game will delete your older pics, beginning with the oldest. Also, all of them will be deleted when Five Flushes ends and you can take Genshin Impact Perfect Shot.