Painted Wall Puzzle Locations Genshin Impact Wind Blessed Harpastum
Currently, there are exactly 15 Painted Wall Puzzle locations in Genshin Impact and you can solve these using your trusty Wind-Blessed Harpastum. These involve a fun little mini-game. However, this mini-game can require a bit of know-how to solve, and the locations of these Painted Wall Puzzles are scattered all over the Golden Apple Archipelago. To help you find all 15 of these, we’ve put together this Painted Wall Puzzle Locations Genshin Impact Wind Blessed Harpastum guide. It will not only show you where these can be found, but also explain how to use the Wind-Blessed Harpastum in order to solve them.

How To Use The Wind-Blessed Harpastum
We have an article that is devoted entirely to using the Wind-Blessed Harpastum, and you can read it here. Basically, the Harpastum is a gadget that has several uses in the Golden Apple Archipelago. It is required to solve the Rotating Ring puzzles, and you will also need it to solve Painted Wall puzzles – including the Dodo King’s Painted Walls Challenge. When you encounter one of these puzzles, the first thing you need to do is to equip your Harpastum. Since it is a gadget, it can be found in your Gadget Tab.
Then, step into the glowing square right in front of the Painted Wall. Take out the Harpastum, aim it at the Painted Wall and release it. The goal of this mini-game is to bounce the ball at the wall several times until it breaks. You need to time your attack so that you strike the Harpastum at the precise moment. Otherwise, you will miss it. This mini-game take a while to get used to. Luckily, there are 15 locations for you to practice at until you get a hang of it. More Painted Walls will probably be added in the near future.
There is one on the leftmost tip of Broken Isle as well.