Padisarah Locations in Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact 3.1 has added several characters to the game. One of these is Nilou, who is a five-star sword and Hydro user. Known as the Star of Zubayr Theater, she is as skilled at dancing as she is in combat. Being both beautiful and very powerful, you will definitely want to ascend her to make her even more effective. One of Nilou’s Ascension Materials is Padisarah. This is a very striking flower that is available in several spots in Genshin Impact. To help you ascend Nilou as quickly as you can, we are here with all of the Padisarah locations in Genshin Impact, as well as explaining how to get Padisarah in GI.

Where to Find Padisarah in Genshin Impact
There are several places where you can find and get Padisarah in Genshin Impact. These are: in Sumeru City, at The Palace of Alcazarzaray, Vanarana, Pardis Dhyai, and from Jut. Let’s start with Jut first. He is a spice merchant that can be found at the Grand Bazaar in Sumeru City. In fact, when you speak with him, you can get four Padisarah from him as a free gift. He also sells Padisarah. Jut has five of these in stock (which resets every three days) and each one costs 1,000 Mora to buy.
Next, Vanarana. To get here, you will first need to complete “The World of Aranara” world quest. Once you have done so, this will open up this area. When you get here, you may find Viparyas instead of the Padisarah you are looking for, go to the rock nearby and play the Harph there to change them into Padisarah. The other places are more straightforward, as you only need to go there and pick them up when you run into them. We have marked these locations on the map. In total, you are going to need to collect 168 Padisarah to fully ascend Nilou.