Mini Harpastum - Genshin Impact Dodoco Tales
Mini Harpastum is a currency needed to obtain Dodoco Tales in Genshin Impact. Upon reaching the Fourth Act of the Midsummer Island Adventure, you will be able to unlock the “Harpastum Bombs Loaded… Blow ‘Em Away!” challenge. Completing these will earn you the Mini Harpastum currency. When you have enough of these, you will be able to exchange them for the Dodoco Tales Klee Weapon. As we will explain, this makes for an excellent weapon for Klee. In our Mini Harpastum – Genshin Impact Dodoco Tales guide, we will explain everything you need to know about how to get this currency, and how to get Dodoco Tales.

How to Get Mini Harpastum in Genshin Impact
In order to get Mini Harpastum, you will first need to craft Harpastum Bombs. You can create three types of Harpastum Bombs: Straight Shooter (1x Flaming Flower Stamen + 1x Frog – high pyro damage to a single target), Hot Pod (1x Flaming Flower Stamen + 1x Lizard Tail – deals small AoE pyro damage), and Floaty Splody (1x Flaming Flower Stamen + 1x Luminescent Spine – high AoE pyro damage). Whenever you craft a set of these, you will get 20 of them. As you will see in the challenge description, it also comes with some objectives that give additional rewards. So, you will need to clear out 3/6/9 monster camps, as well as to use Straight Shooter and Floaty Splodies to defeat enemies. Whenever you clear out a monster camp, you will receive 300x Mini Harpastum.
These monster camps are marked with a Dodoco icon on your map. When you go to one of these locations, first equip the Harpastum Bombs and then use as you would use your Wind-Blessed Harpastum. So, equip, aim, and then throw it at the enemies. Please be aware that these bombs can only be used in these challenges, you cannot use them outside of these monster camps.
How to get Dodoco Tales Genshin Impact
When you have collected enough Mini Harpastum, you will then be able to buy the Dodoco Tales from the event shop. These cost 800x Mini Harpastum. After you have bought this book, you will be able to further refine it through Fragments of Innocence. Each of these fragments cost 500x Mini Harpastum. If you buy all four of them, this will allow you to refine the Dodoco Tales to Level 5. As we previously said, the Dodoco Tales is a great Klee weapon. Go into Klee’s weapon selection screen and have her wield the Dodoco Tales. Thanks to this best free-to-play weapon, her bomb attacks will be even stronger. We hope that you have enjoyed our Mini Harpastum – Genshin Impact Dodoco Tales guide and that you will have a lot of fun solving this challenge and playing with a Dodoco Tales-wielding Klee.