Minacious Isle Puzzles - Hymnal Rotating Ring Chest
Minacious Isle is home to many chest puzzles, and several of these come in the form of Hymnal Rotating Ring. There are four such puzzles on Minacious Isle. We have an excellent guide that explains how to solve the first puzzle. Incidentally, this is also the solution for the “The Winding Homeward Way” Seelie quest. These puzzles involve a lot of tinkering with the Rotating Rings and require a lot of back and forth if you do not know the exact successful sequence. Apart from that first puzzle which we already covered, this Minacious Isle Puzzles – Hymnal Rotating Ring Chest guide will show you how to solve the other three of these Minacious Isle puzzles.

How To Solve The First Hymnal Rotating Ring Puzzle
Like we said, the first Hymnal Rotating Ring Puzzle is part of the “The Winding Homeward Way” quest where you fill find the Seelie’s treasure. This is relatively long quest, so read its full solution here.
How To Solve The Second Hymnal Rotating Ring Puzzle
Proceed to the location we’ve marked on the screenshot. Standing directly in front of the Rings, go to the left Ring and interact with it. Choose the “Rotate 90 Degrees Clockwise” three times. Then, move to the right Ring. Select the “Rotate 90 Degrees Clockwise” two times. Stand on the platform. This will active the Rings. Use your Wind-Blessed Harpastum and throw it through the left Ring. It will ricochet from Ring to Ring and this will result in an open chest.
How To Solve The Third Hymnal Rotating Ring Puzzle
Next, go to the location of the third Hymnal Rotating Ring puzzle on Minacious Isle. We’ve marked it on the screenshot. Stand on the platform. The Rings are now activated and the left Ring is slowly turning around. Wait until the left Ring’s arrow points to the right and then throw Wind-Blessed Harpastum through it. If you timed your shot correctly, the Harpastum will pass through the right Ring and the puzzle will be solved and the chest will unlock.
How To Solve The Fourth Hymnal Rotating Ring Puzzle
The fourth and final Ring puzzle on Minacious Isle. As before, go to the place we’ve marked on the map. You will see a platform overlooking a Ring floating above a cliff. Your target is way down below. Stan on the platform and the Ring will activate. Carefully aim your Wind-Blessed Harpastum at the very top of the inside circle of the Ring. If you have done this correctly, your shot will hit the target below. The chest to your right will unlock if you have done this properly. And there you have it, you’ve now successfully solved every Hymnal Rotating Ring c+hest puzzle on Minacious Isle. If you are stuck on any other puzzle, check out our Genshin Impact archive for a solution.