Make an Offering to the Perch Genshin Impact - A Particularly Particular Author
The Make an Offering to the Perch step in the Genshin Impact Particularly Particular Author quest seems to be causing a bit of trouble for players. It requires you to find three feathers scattered in the vicinity of the perch. This isn’t the hardest of quests; the feathers are all nearby and marked on the minimap. However, there seems to be a bug that can prevent you from completing the task. So, in our Make an Offering to the Perch Genshin Impact – A Particularly Particular Author guide, we’ll explain where to find the feathers and how to solve the bug if you encounter it.

Genshin Impact Particularly Particular Author – How to Make Offering to Perch
To make an offering to the perch in the Genshin Impact Particularly Particular Author quest, you need to find the three feathers that flew away when you touched the perch initially. Fortunately, all three are nearby. Facing the tree and the marker that you touched to begin this step, turn right slowly until you see the blue glow near the cliff wall. That’s the first feather, so go ahead and collect it.
Next, head downhill and to the southwest and follow the feather icon on the minimap. Keep an eye out for the blue glow, and you’ll spot the second feather on a flat rock under one of the white-glowing pillars. Lastly, there’s a tall rock formation south of the perch location. Climb to the top of it to find the third feather. Again, all you really need to do is follow the feather icon on your minimap, and you’ll be fine. Lastly, to make an offering to the perch in the Particularly Particular Author quest, take all three feathers back to the perch and interact with the marker you touched initially. This should complete this step of the quest.
Now, what can cause some problems here is that the quest has a bit of a bug. This glitch prevents you from banking the three feathers at the tree. If that happens to you, try to log out of the game and then come back in. That seems to fix the problem; the game will finally let you make the offering at the perch and complete the quest step.
Logged out and back in and the quest bug is still there, I cannot collet the pinion that is in the tree.