Genshin Impact Lyney Special Dish
As you all know, every playable character in Genshin Impact has their own Special Dish. When they cook a particular type of food, there is a chance that this food is going to turn out to be their signature dish. Lyney is a newly-added character to GI. A 5 star Bow wielder and Pyro user, he is the brother of Lynette. Being a magician, it’s only to be expected that his Special Dish is equally fun and unexpected as he is. The Special Dish for Lyney in Genshin Impact is called Cubic Tricks, and we are going to tell you everything that you need to know about it.

Lyney’s Special Dish Genshin Impact
Once you have obtained Lyney, the next step is to then get the recipe for the base dish – Fruit Gummy. While we still don’t know exactly where and from whom it can be purchased from, we are going to update this guide as soon as we know more. To cook this food, you are going to need to have the following ingredients in your inventory: x1 Bulle Fruit, x1 Jam, and x1 Sugar.
The next step is the same as it is with any other character when you want them to cook their Signature Dishes. Playing as Lyney – since it won’t work if you are playing as anyone else – approach a cooking stove or campfire and interact with it. Then cook the Fruit Gummy recipe with the aformentioned ingredients. If you are lucky, Lyney is going to cook his Cubic Tricks instead. Since this is based on chance, repeat this process several times if you haven’t gotten his Special Dish on the first try. When consumed, the Cubic Tricks will increase the CRIT Rate by 20% and the CRIT DMG by 20% of all party members for 300 seconds.
The recipe you need is the Pate de Fruit, which you can purchase from one of the food vendors around the major Fontaine city around where the adventure guild is located. Not sure which one specifically, but I hope this helps even a little!