Last Torch Near Minacious Isle Whirlpool Luxurious Chest
On an a small island near Minacious Isle, there is Luxurious Chest you can open, but first you need to light several torches, with the last torch being inside a whirlpool. The sequence of events needed to unlock this chest isn’t obvious right from the start. In fact, you can spend a lot of time walking around, wondering what you need to do next. Our Last Torch Near Minacious Isle Whirlpool Luxurious Chest provides a neat, step-by-step solution for this puzzle. Read on to learn how to quickly find this location and unlock this chest in just a couple of minutes.

Where Is The Luxurious Chest Near Minacious Isle

This small island is directly west from Minacious Isle. To get here, enter your Waverider and sail to this location. Get out of your Waverider and go to the island. You will se a locked chest. Around it are several torches. Two of the torches are on both sides of the chest. The third torch is high on a rock. Select a character with Pyro-based attacks and attack the torches to ignite them. After you have lit all three torches, you will notice that the chest is still locked. This is because there is one final torch. If you jump on any elevated platform, you will notice that there is a whirlpool a short distance from the island. Swim towards it and enter it.
How To Solve The Whirlpool Puzzle

When you enter this whirlpool, you will find yourself in an underground chamber. This chamber is directly below the stone platform with the chest. Take care of the enemies you find down here and make your way to the other room. Here, you will see two important things: a torch above you, and a stone tablet that you can read. Ignite the torch and read the tablet. It will instruct you to wait until 1am. Set your clock to this time. Approach the pile of stones in the corner of the room and destroy it. Then, step on the plate which was obscured by the rocks. The window above will start to open and the water will fill the room, allowing you to reach the vines and climb up them. If you followed our Last Torch Near Minacious Isle Whirlpool Luxurious Chest guide closely, the chest should now be open and you will be able to collect its contents.
Don’t forget the luxurios chest on the side opposite to the torch, u should be able to collect it when the water rises
you forgot a luxurious chest next on the other side of the last torch