How to Take the Blank Score in Genshin Impact
If you’re struggling with how to take the Blank Score in Genshin Impact Underwater Nocturne, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll explain what you need to do in order to solve the puzzle which unlocks access to the item. It’s nothing too bad once you know what to do; honestly, the mechanical ins-and-outs are the most difficult part, especially if you accidentally skip over the tool tip. So, let’s get into it.

Genshin Impact Take the Blank Score in Underwater Nocturne
In order to complete the Take the Blank Score quest in Genshin Impact Underwater Nocturne, you first need to follow the quest marker to the room with the Autoharmonic Reed Pipes. The quest marker should take you straight there, so it’s not gonna be a problem. It’s really close to the Underwater Nocturne fast-travel point. Once you enter the room, a short cutscene will play. Have a chat with Osse if you want to. More importantly, switch your active skill to The Might of the Ancient Symphony. You press “T” to do that. Now, inspect the wall behind one of the two pillars on the opposite sides of the room. Behind it, you’ll see the symbol you need to match.
The next step to take the Blank Score in Genshin Impact Underwater Nocturne is to approach one of the pillars and hold E to move the slider until it matches the symbol on the wall. On the right side, it looks like a weird bass clef. On the left, it’s the spiral. Remember, you have to let go of E when the slider reaches the right symbol. If you mess up, it’s fine; you can always try again. After you’ve successfully solved the puzzle, a brief cutscene will play and a chest will appear. Be sure to loot it, because it has really useful stuff. However, what’s more important is that you interact with the pedestal behind the chest, because that’s where you get the Blank Score from.