How To Fish In Genshin Impact - Get Fishing Rods & Baits
The long-awaited Genshin Impact 2.1 update is here with a bunch of new additions, such as fishing, which requires you to to know how to get fishing rods & baits, as well as figuring out how the new fishing mini-game functions. Since catching these fish allow you to exchange them for powerful new items such as The Catch, fishing is something that all Genshin Impact players should make use of. To help you tackle (pun intended) this new system, our How To Fish In Genshin Impact – Get Fishing Rods & Baits guide will explain all the basics of fishing.

Genshin Impact Fishing – How To fish, Get Fishing Rods & Baits?
To begin with, start the Exploding Population quest. Speak with Katheryne in Mondstadt. Next, follow the quest compass and go and talk with Nantuck. He will ask that you meet him at Cider Lake. It is here that he will introduce you to fishing and show you how this is done. The system is easy, though involved, and you have to pay close attention to a couple of factors which will mean the difference between catching a fish, or letting it get away. Fishing spots are easily recognizable. Whenever you see ripples on the surface of a body of water, you will know that this is a fishing spot that you can fish at. So, approach one of these spots. Be careful not to get too close or perform any attacks or abilities – this will scare away the fish.
Different bodies of water hold different types of fish. When you approach the fishing spot and interact with it, you will be able to see which fish you can catch here and select the best rod and bait. Now, on to the fishing itself. When you approach a fishing spot (and remember – not too close), you will be prompted to fish. Select which rod and bait you want to use. Aim your fishing rod at the water. The trick is to cast your fishing rod not too close to the fish (this will scare it away), but not too far from it, either (it won’t notice the bait that way). If you’ve done it correctly, the fish should take the bait. When it has done so, press the Raise Hook button to start reeling it in. If you take too long to do this, it will eat the bait and swim away.
When reeling the fish in, you need to make sure that you keep it in the correct Tension Zone. This part is marked yellow. If you do not do this correctly, it will escape. But, if you do it right, after a while, you will successfully catch the fish. And that’s all there is to it! In our video down below, we have this entire process from start to finish. And don’t worry if you lose a couple of fish at the beginning, just keep on trying and you’ll soon get the hang of it. After all, practice makes perfect! After completing the Exploding Population quest, you will then be able to buy other fishing equipment, such as fishing rods, bait, and blueprints. And don’t forget to read our fishing spots guide to find the best fishing locations. Do you know the fish names required for Bait Blueprints & the Windtangler Fishing Rod? Tell us in the comments below!