Genshin Impact Star Shaped Gem - Owl Statues puzzle
With Genshin Impact 2.2 out, players are busy exploring all the new content that has been added to the game with this latest update. Full of new puzzles and quests, one particularly frustrating thing that is currently standing out is the Star Shaped Gem, which many players are wondering how to get, and how to solve Owl Statues puzzle. It’s no surprise as to why this is the case since you need Peculiar Pinion gadget, as we will explain in this Genshin Impact Star Shaped Gem – Owl Statues puzzle guide.

How to Get Star Shaped Gem Genshin Impact & solve Owl Statues puzle
Currently, as of today, October 13th 2021, you will not be able to obtain the Star Shaped Gem. You will need to wait until the server resets and the second part of the Tsurumi questline becomes available. This is because you will then receive the Feather gadget – called the Peculiar Pinion. You need this gadget in order to complete this and receive the Star-Shaped Gem. Without it, you won’t be able to get the last Electroculus and solve Owl Statues puzzle. The Peculiar Pinion works similarly to the Memento Lens. You use this on the Thunderbird Statues and images. When you approach them and use the Peculiar Pinion on them, it will reveal something that wasn’t there before, such as secret passageways and stone slates in Genshin.
Once you do get the Peculiar Pinion in your possession, this will be pretty straightforward to solve. Pay close attention to all the Thunderbird Statues and images in this location and interact with all of them to open up new areas you can go to. The server reset will no doubt occur very soon, so all that’s left to do is to wait just a little bit longer until then. In the meantime, you can check out some of our other guides for Genshin Impact 2.2 in our Genshin Impact archives, where we show you how to solve other quests and puzzles.