Genshin Impact Floaty Splodies & Straight Shooter - Harpastum Bombs Loaded Blow Em Away
Impact Floaty Splodies & Straight Shooter are powerful explosive weapons usable in the “Harpastum Bombs Loaded… Blow ‘Em Away!” Genshin Impact challenge. Completing these challenges is the only way to earn the Mini Harpastum currency needed to buy Dodoco Tales. Also, these challenges are the only place where you can use these bombs. Three of these objectives demand that you defeat enemies with a specific Harpastum Bomb. Namely: Use Straight Shooters to defeat 2 opponents 2 times in a single challenge. Use Floaty Splodies to defeat 3 opponents 2 times in a single challenge. Use Floaty Splodies to defeat 3 opponents 4 times in a single challenge. In this Genshin Impact Floaty Splodies & Straight Shooter – Harpastum Bombs Loaded Blow Em Away guide, we will explain how to craft and use these potent bombs.

How to Craft Floaty Splodies & Straight Shooter
You will learn how to craft these automatically when you complete “The Final Riddle: A Secret Uncovered.” You can craft these at any crafting bench. Every time you craft a set of these, you will create 20 Harpastum Bombs of a particular type. However, be careful not to try and create too many all at once, since you will get the Inventory Full, No Space message. Here are the recipes for each bomb type:
- Hot Pod: 1x Flaming Flower Stamen + 1x Lizard Tail. This bomb Deals a small amount of AoE Pyro damage. It isn’t required for any challenge objective, but you can still use it to defeat opponents in monster encampments.
- Floaty Splody: 1x Flaming Flower Stamen + 1x Luminescent Spine. The Floaty Splody deals high amounts of AoE Pyro damage. It is a part of two objectives: “defeat 3 opponents 2 times in a single challenge”, and “defeat 3 opponents 4 times in a single challenge.”
- Straight Shooter: 1x Flaming Flower Stamen + 1x Frog. This provides a high Pyro damage output against a single enemy. Using it is a requirement in one objective: “defeat 2 opponents 2 times in a single challenge.”
How to Use Floaty Splodies & Straight Shooter
You can only use these Harpastum Bombs at specific monster challenge areas. These areas are marked on your map with a Dodoco icon. When you have crafted your Floaty Splodies & Straight Shooters, go to one of these areas. Using them is similar to using your Wind-Blessed Harpastum. So, go into your Gadgets menu, select the appropriate bomb (depending on which objective you want to complete), aim the bomb at your foes, and release it. The bombs don’t have much range, so make sure that you are close enough to your enemies. Thank you for reading our Genshin Impact Floaty Splodies & Straight Shooter – Harpastum Bombs Loaded Blow Em Away guide. You should now have a much better idea how to use Floaty Splodies & Straight Shooter to solve this challenge.