Fishing Spots Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact fishing spots are places where you need to fish in order to collect all the different fish species added in the new update. Now, the problem here is that there the number of fishing locations in Genshin Impact is pretty overwhelming. There are dozens of them all over the map, with different biomes hosting different types of fish. That’s to say nothing about the fact that some species only come out at night. So, in order to help you out, we’ll show you all the different Genshin fishing spots in this guide.

Genshin Impact Fishing Spots
Fishing spots in Genshin Impact are locations where you can, well, fish. They are scattered all across the map, and there’s tons of them. The developers really worked overtime to implement the fishing mechanic. Not only are there countless places where you can fish, but there’s also the fact that you can find different fish in different biomes. Yes, that is to be expected in all such games, but still, they totally could have made things way less complex than they did. It’s quite the undertaking, really, if you’re planning to catch every kind of fish there is. You’ll have your work seriously cut out for you.
Now, with all of that said, there’s also the fact that different fish spawn in the same locations depending on the time of day. By that, I mean whether it’s daytime or nighttime. Basically, if you’ve caught all the types of fish that you could find in one fishing location, if you return when it’s dark, you might find completely different fish. In other words, the Genshin Impact fishing spots are not places that you should visit only once, and only at one time of day. Make sure that you check them at least twice, once in the day and once in the night. With all of that out of the way, here are all the fishing locations that we’ve found. Mind you, some fishing spots will appear repeatedly in the screenshots. Also, if you’ve found any locations that we’ve missed, let us know in the comments below.