How to Enter, Leave Serenitea Pot Genshin Impact
Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot is a special new location added to the game in the latest update, and people are wondering how to enter or leave the area. This is because this part of the map can’t be accessed normally; you need to have a special item in order to go into the Serenitea Pot. Considering that the teapot dimension is where your house is, which you can pimp out to your delight, people want to know how to get there as soon as possible. Well, worry not; we’ve got you covered with our How to Enter, Leave Serenitea Pot Genshin Impact guide.

How to Enter & Leave Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot
To enter and leave the Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact, all you have to do is go into your inventory, and click on the Gadgets tab. Select the teapot to place it in front of you. After you do that, simply interact with it in order to enter/exit Serenitea Pot. Obviously, if you’re in the regular world, interacting with the teapot will take you to the other realm, and the game will go into co-op mode. From there, just click on the furnishing icon to start decorating your private pocket dimension. Being a mystical hero sure has perks, right?
While you’re in Serenitea Pot dimension, drop the teapot as described above and interact with it to go back to the regular world. There’s also another system that you can follow. Open the map, and click on the text in the bottom right corner. Click on Tevyat in the top right, and select any Teleport Waypoint or Statue of The Seven. This is going to take you right out of Serenitea Pot and into Tevyat in your own world. So, if you don’t wanna mess around with the inventory, that’s the way to go.
Now that we know how to enter and leave the Serenitea Pot in Genshin Impact, one quick extra tip. If you want to visit a friend’s teapot, click on their avatar in the My Friends menu. In the drop-down menu, select “Request to visit Serenitea Pot.” That’s basically all there is to it. Have fun!
Also, to get the teapot in the first place, you need to meet two criteria. The first one is to be Adventure Rank 35 or higher, and the other is to complete the Chapter I: Act III: A New Star Approaches Main Story Quest. After that, you’ll unlock the “A Teapot to Call Home” quest. All you need to do at that point is complete the mission, and voila.