Elegy for the End Genshin Impact Venti 5 Star Bow
The Elegy for the End is a powerful 5-Star Bow that you can get in Genshin Impact. It functions as a weapon that also buffs your entire team, so needless to say – this makes it very powerful. It’s rumored that it will make a return to Genshin Impact’s gacha. So, this is the perfect time to read our Elegy for the End Genshin Impact Venti 5 Star Bow guide. In it, we have compiled everything that is known about this Bow, including its stats, and which characters are best suited to wield it.

Elegy for the End Stats in Genshin Impact
At level 90, Elegy for the End has a base attack of 608, and a 55.1% bonus to Energy Recharge. Its passive bonus, “The Parting Refrain”, increases the Elemental Mastery of whoever wields it by 60. When you hit opponents with the Elemental Skills or Elemental Bursts of the wielder, that character gains a Sigil of Remembrance. This particular effect can be triggered every 0.2 seconds. When you get to 4 Sigils of Remembrance, they will be consumed, and every nearby part member will be under the “Millennial Movement: Farewell Song” for 12 seconds. This effect does the following: it increases Elemental Mastery by 100 and ATK by 20%. While this effect lasts, you won’t gain other Sigils of Remembrance.

Best Characters to Wield Elegy for the End 5 Star Bow
Elegy for the End is a great weapon for Venti. This Anemo character has one of the best Elemental Burst attacks in the game, and Elegy for the End quickly recovers his energy for it. The bonus to Elemental Mastery is also very helpful as well. While the Stringless Bow provides more raw damage than Elegy for the End, the EftE gives other benefits that can impact the entire team. The other character that can also wield Elegy for the End to great effect is Fischl.
also works for amber in ht comps