Dawn Winery Genshin Impact - Statue of Seven Location
Genshin Impact Dawn Winery Statue of the Seven is one of several such statues scattered across the map, and finding it is necessary to complete one of the tasks in the Adventurer’s Handbook. However, figuring out where to find the Statue of the Seven in Dawn Winery in Genshin Impact is a bit of a problem, because that section of the map is locked until you interact with the statue. So, to help you out, here’s our Dawn Winery Genshin Impact – Statue of Seven Location guide to show you exactly where to find it.

Where to Find Statue of Seven Dawn Winery Location in Genshin Impact?
To find the Statue of the Seven location in Dawn Winery in Genshin Impact, you should basically start from the statue in Windrise and head west. When you get to a more elevated area, look to the west and try to find the red beacon shooting into the sky. That’s basically the best way to navigate to the statue, since you’ll be going into uncharted waters. This section of the map won’t open until you unlock the Dawn Winery Statue of the Seven, which makes things difficult. On the map below, we’ve marked the statues location for you, so you can use it for extra help.
Once you reach the place, your troubles are not over. You’ll have to defeat a Lv. 9 Restless Elemental called Eye of the Storm. It’s not too difficult a fight, just keep your distance from the gusts of wind swirling around it. Also, beware his spinning attack, it has a lot of range. The elemental seems to be weak to fire, so take that for what it’s worth. I doubt you’ll have too much trouble here.
Once the elemental drops, approach the Statue of the Seven and interact with it. That will unlock a large section of the map for you to explore, and you have another place where you can drop off Anemoculus and earn more stamina. Speaking of, you can check out the following articles for more info on these subjects: Anemoculus Locations Map, Statue of the Seven in Mondstadt, and Stamina – Increase Max Stamina & Stamina Food.