Genshin Impact Best Mika Build Guide
If you don’t know what to do with this new character, our Genshin Impact Best Mika Build guide should point you in the right direction. We are going to tell you what the best role for Mika is and how to make the most of his abilities. We’ll talk about the best weapons to use with Mika, the best artifacts, and more. Here we go!

Best Mika Build in Genshin Impact
Before we get to the best build for Mika in Genshin Impact, let’s first explain what this character is all about. The ideal role for him is a support healer, realistically. He can’t do much in terms of damage, and has a few other limitations that hamper his abilities somewhat. That said, Mika’s healing is really powerful and it doesn’t have to be in a circle. Plus, he can buff Movement Speed and even bestow a physical buffer that also has healing properties. That’s why we believe the position of healer is the best for Mika. If you have any other ideas and builds, let us know in the comments. With all that said, here are our ideas.
To begin our best Genshin Impact best Mika build, let’s talk about the best weapons to use. Ideally, you want to go either with Favonius Lance or Engulfing Lightning whichever you prefer. You can also go with Black Tassel, but the former two are better. The best artifact is either Ocean-Hued Clam x4 or Noblesse Oblige x4. Now for the main stats: Sands should be Energy Recharge or HP%, the Circlet HP%, and the Goblet also HP%. The priority sub-stats in the build should be Energy Recharge and HP%. This combination should make your Mika an amazing and versatile healer. Again, if you have a different build that you believe works very well, tell us below.