Barbecue Under the Stars - Genshin Impact Web Event
You can participate in a new Genshin Impact web event called Barbecue Under the Stars. This Genshin Impact BBQ event will have you grill and season different fish recipes for Shiki Taishou. Depending on how good you are at grilling these, you will reach new friendship levels with him and earn different rewards. These include prizes such as Mora, Primogems, Crystal Cores, and more. We’re sure that you will want to partake in this, and our Barbecue Under the Stars – Genshin Impact Web Event guide will tell you everything you need to know about it.

How to Play Barbecue Under the Stars – Genshin Impact Web Event
There are two ways that you can play this web event. The first is to talk to Paimon in the game and then click on the Special Event tab. This will open up your web browser and you will begin the event. The second is to click on this weblink which will also take you there. Of course, you will need to log in to take part in it. The event itself will take place from November 1st to November 7th 2021, and you will need to be at least Adventure Rank 10 to participate in it.
The BBQ grilling itself is in the form of a minigame. First you select the type of fish that you want to grill. After that, you place it on the grill, turning it over from time to time to see how it is cooked on the other side. The following levels of cooked fish are available: Raw, Half-Cooked, Fully Cooked, Burnt, and Burnt with A Hole. You also need to pay attention to seasoning. Every fish dish can have Mild, Just Right, or Heavy seasoning applied to it. A new fish will be added to a basket every 6 hours, and you can have a maximum of 4 fish in the basket. This means that you can spend all your fish in one go, and then return a day later to do it all again. Experiment with all possible dish combinations to find the best ones that please Shiki Taishou the most. If you have any great recipes for this event, share them with us in the comments below.