Amakumo Fruit Locations Genshin Impact
The Amakumo Fruit is a new type of plant that has been added to Genshin Impact 2.1, and you can only find it in specific locations. Namely, the only place where this plant grows is on the Seirai Islands – one of the new islands which were added in this newest update. The Amakumo Fruit has a very specific look. It looks like a flower with a purple stalk and big blue petals. It gives off a sparkle, which should make finding it easier. When you approach it, you will be able to pick up the purple fruit from the center of the plant. The reason why it’s so important is because it’s the Ascension Material for the Raiden Shogun. Our Amakumo Fruit Locations Genshin Impact guide will show you where these are, and the best way to farm them.

Genshin Impact Amakumo Fruit Locations – Farm Route
You can see all the locations for the Amakumo Fruit in the screenshot below. As you can see, they grow exclusively on the Seirai Islands. The vast majority of them are located on the central island itself, and only a couple of them on the other islands around it. Its description states: “The fruit of the Amakumo Grass, which grows on Seirai Island. You can hear it crackling with a tiny current if you hold it up to your ear.” They grow in round patterns across the central island. This means that the best way to farm them is to move in a circular pattern around the island. Many of them are in the inner ring, and others in the outer ring. Go around collecting them until you’ve got them all. Currently, there are over 100 of them, and you will need a lot of Amukamo Fruit if you want to fully ascend the Raiden Shogun.