Genshin Impact 3.5 Banner Schedule Dehya, Cyno, Mika, Ayaka, Shenhe
What are the Genshin Impact 3.5 banners? That is the question that many, many Travelers have been asking themselves for a long time. Well, the time is finally nigh where we are going to learn which banners the developers have planned for this update of Genshin Impact. In our Genshin Impact 3.5 Banner Schedule guide, we are going to show you which characters these events are going to include, when they will take place, and more.

What Are Genshin Impact 3.5 Banners?
UPDATE: The official banner schedule for Genshin Impact 3.5 has been confirmed. The first event will include Dehya and Cyno, both five-star characters that will have their own event wishes. Starting with Genshin update 3.6, Dehya will become a part of standard wishes. Also, there will be a weapon event wish to get the Beacon of the Reed Sea claymore. The second banner will introduce Mika, a four-star character. Plus, it will include Kamisato Ayaka and Shenhe, both five-star characters. Original text follows.
So, what are the Genshin Impact 3.5 banners and what is the banner schedule? We don’t know at the moment, since the livestream hasn’t begun yet. We’ll be sure to update the guide with proper info as soon as we have it. In the meantime, we can lean onto the Genshin Impact community and their ever-present leakers. They are usually on the money and therefore trustworthy. The consensus is that Dehya will definitely be one of the banners. Her companion will most likely be Cyno; that much the community is fairly sure of. The other banner will probably include Eula and Albedo. That will be four different elements that you’ll be able to gun for.
So, that’s all the info we have on the Genshin Impact 3.5 banner schedule. We have no idea when these events will take place, whether they will include weapons etc. Again, we are going to provide more information as soon as the developers reveal it, so stay tuned. If the leaks are anything to go by, you should save up on those wishes. All four characters that the leaks have unearthed are pretty powerful. I mean, perhaps you already have mighty characters of those elements, and you don’t need any new ones. That said, I would definitely at least try to get Dehya. If nothing else, she’s a new character.