Genshin Impact 1.5 Hidden Achievements
Genshin Impact 1.5 Hidden Achievements are the new achievements that you can get in the new update. There are three of them, and they’re all connected to two bosses – Cryo Hypostasis and Azhdaha. However, you need to defeat them in specific ways in order to actually get the achievements. However, it’s worth the trouble, since you can get some valuable rewards for pulling them off. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you on your journey.

How to Get Hidden Achievements in Genshin Impact 1.5
To get the new hidden achievements in Genshin Impact 1.5, you need to battle two specific bosses – Cryo Hypostasis and Azhdaha. However, you also need to perform specific steps for the achievements to count. In the list below, we’ll explain exactly what you need to do.
- …A Single Night’s Work – Defeat a Cryo Hypostasis that is in a weakened state. Fight the boss until it starts shooting spiky ice balls. Use charge attacks to launch them towards the boss to break its shield. That’s when it enters the weakened state, so run over and finish it off quickly.
- Knee-Deep Snow… – Defeat a Cryo Hypostasis that has revived three times. Fight the boss until it shoots the spiky ice balls, as described above. In that phase, it starts regenerating health. So, you have to let it do so three times, then finish it off.
- Sternest of Souls – Defeat Azhdaha in all its forms. Azhdaha is a new boss that you can fight, but it’s an incredibly difficult battle. Good luck!
So, that’s how you get the new Genshin Impact 1.5 hidden achievements. Now, if you haven’t yet gathered the secret achievements from the various hangouts, you should definitely do so. There are three in each of them, and you can read all about them in our Chongyun Hangout, Noelle Hangout, Bennett Hangout, and Barbara Hangout guides. You get a lot of them fairly easily, simply by getting the various endings. However, there are a few that are considerably trickier. Good luck!