Fortnite User Auth Check Failed Error - How to Fix
User Auth Check Failed Error in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 1 is an issue that has been plaguing some people now that the new season has launched. The User Auth Check Failed Fortnite Error is preventing people from playing, which is a pretty bad problem, seeing how there’s a ton of new content to explore. Our Fortnite User Auth Check Failed Error – How to Fix guide will show you a potential workaround for the user auth check failed issue in Fortnite Chapter 2.

User Auth Check Failed Fortnite Error Workaround
The workaround for the Auth Check Failed error in Fortnite is relatively simple. It basically boils down to turning stuff on and off again, in several degrees of “severity.” The first thing you can try is to simply try turning the game off, waiting about a minute or so, and booting it back up. It might not work at first try, so you might have to give it several attempts. Of course, this is only after you’ve made sure that your connection and everything else is up to snuff, first. I assume you have this covered already, though.
If turning the game off and on isn’t working, it might be time to try more drastic measures. Specifically, you can try to log out of the launcher completely. Might even want close the program entirely. Then, log back into the launcher, boot Fortnite up, and hope for the best. On consoles, I’ve heard tell that turning your entire machine off and on again has worked for some, but I can’t say for certain if that will work.
The most drastic measure is to uninstall the game, and reinstall. However, I don’t recommend it. I think just trying to reboot the launcher and / or the game should be sufficient. This is likely an issue that’s not gonna persist; Epic will probably deal with it pretty soon. Also, I have to note: we can’t guarantee that this workaround will work 100%. It has worked for others, however, so hopefully it will for you, too. If it doesn’t, I sincerely apologize, and hope that the issue will go away soon for you.
It never worked fo me