Fortnite BR Taco Shops Locations
Visit different taco shops in a single match is a new challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale. It’s part of the week 9 season 4 battlepass challenges, and you’ll need to visit three points of interest in a single life to complete it. Since there’s only a handful of them on the map, finding three that are close enough to each other can bit tricky. That’s why we’ve made this guide, in which we’ll show you all Fortnite BR taco shop locations.

Visit Different Taco Shops in a Single Match
The best location is in the southwestern part of the map. You can find three taco shops close to each other there – in Tilted Towers, near Shifty Shafts, and at a nearby unnamed location.
The easiest way is to land at the most famous place on the map, Tilted Towers. Head to the western part of it, just north from the small park and the clock tower. There’s a tiny taco shop on the corner of the small building. It is the smallest of them all, with only one table and four chairs. One may wonder why it is so, being in such a big place and all.
The second taco shop on our route is west from Tilted Towers. If you follow the road, you’ll eventually notice a small settlement in the distance, with a large hall. Inside the hall is a soccer field. On your way there, you’ll pass by a gas station on our right. The Taco Shop will be clearly visible at this point. It has bright yellow colors, with a green-white awning. A perfect place for tourists to relax on their journey toward the next stop.
The third and last spot on your pilgrimage is south from Shifty Shafts. If you open up the map, you’ll notice yet another unnamed settlement there – it’s the one with the giant wooden chair. If you’ve followed our guide, it will also be the most dangerous part of the journey. Luckily, there are a lot of small hills on the way south. Use them as a cover if need be. As you enter this place, look to your left and you’ll spot the taco shop on the parking lot.
Where to find Taco Shops in Fortnite BR?
If you like to live dangerously, you’ll be thrilled to hear there are two more on the other side of the map. One of them is in Retail Row and the other in Tomato Town.
The taco shop in Retail Row is almost at the center of it. If you zoom in on this location, you’ll spot a building with a black rooftop. If you’re landing here, you can clearly spot the shop without difficulty. It is the only one with a bright yellow-red rooftop. It is the same shape as the one south from Shifty Shafts. The last one is at the very edge of Tomato Town, in the northern part of the settlement, close to the ice cream truck.
This might turn out to be one of the hardest challenges this week – there will be a lot of people heading for these shops, and with only two weeks until the end of the season, there’s not much time to wait for the rush to die down. We suggest either pairing up with some friends, or jumping in solo and sneaking your way about.