Secret Fortnite Battle Star Location - Blockbuster Free Battle Pass Tier
Blockbuster battle star is a secret collectible in Fortnite Battle Royale. It’s available every week, but only to those who’ve completed all battlepass challenges. When collected, it rewwards you with a free battle pass tier. In order to find it, you need to decipher the Blockbuster loading screen you unlock when you finish that week’s challenges. If you’re having trouble finding it, this guide will show you Fortnite BR Week 6 Season 4 secret battle star location.

Free battle pass tier location – week 6 season 4
UPDATE: For some reason, Epic have decided to change the location in the last update. The Blockbuster picture is now even more misleading, so you should disregard it completely. The food truck is now at the newly built soccer stadium north of Pleasant Park. The truck is at the parking lot north of the stadium, and you’ll find the star on top of it.
ORIGINAL TEXT: The loading screen shows a bunch of superheroes and villains on a movie set. They’re just chillin’, having coffee, playing with their phones. You can see a villain lair in the background – it’s the mansion on the hill above Snobby Shores, the one with the front facade that looks like a frowning face. You can also see a Fork & Knife food truck a bit more towards the foreground, and the recognizable holographic battle star above it.
Judging by the picture, one could discern the truck is in Snobby Shores. One could, but one would be terribly wrong. The image is a prime example of counterintelligence, which will send thousands of players on a wild goose chase.
The truck is actually in the nearby village of Greasy Grove, in the southermost street – the one with a bunch of houses and a gazebo. You won’t see the star until you approach it, which means climbing the truck. And keep in mind you really do have to complete each single weekly challenge before the star will appear. The fact that you already know where it spawns won’t make it materialize before you’ve paid your dues. So just go ahead and open the Loot Lake chests, spray over those Carbide & Omega posters and search between a playground, campsite and footprint.
Greasy Grove
I cant find the truck anywhere
I cant find the truck anywhere
Greasy Grove
It’s by big soccer field actually the new one by pleasant
It’s at the soccer flies north of pleasent
After recent patch it is in new football stadium – not in fielt but near parking lot in that area (next to stadium, north)