Fortnite BR Season 9 Skins Revealed
Epic Games have revealed the battle pass skins for season 9 of Fortnite Battle Royale. There’s seven of them, and almost all of them are futuristic, which was to be expected – the theme of this season is “The Future Is Now”, after all. Most of them are references to popular characters from other video games, which is kind of a let-down, especially coming after the season in which you could turn into a giant banana.

Two of the skins will be progressive, which means you’ll unlock new styles for them as you earn XP. We have no idea which ones they are, but we do know the names – Rox will be unlocked as soon as you buy the battle pass, and Vendetta will be available once you reach tier 100.
Starting from the left, the first one is obviously that one guy from Watch Dogs 2, but without the dialogues that make you grind your teeth. The second one is the captive from Metal Slug – according to the trailer, it’s the blonde default skin who spent an ungodly amount of time trapped in a bunker with the banana man.
The third one kind of looks like Tracer from Overwatch, but not really? I don’t know. The one in the middle has strong Destiny vibes and looks a bit like the late Cayde-6. To the right of them is some kind of Gundam-like suit. There’s also Resident Evil’s Ada Wong with a robotic arm and a pair of trendy Beats by Dre.
As for the final skin – I’m drawing a blank here. I literally have no idea who this could be. There’s a small chance it’s actually not a reference, but I’m not going to bet on it. If you have any idea who the rightmost skin might represent, let us know in the comments.