Fortnite Season 8 Week 1 Weekly Challenge List Revealed
The first week of Season 8 challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale are upon us. Some of them revolve around the new pirate theme, and the newly formed volcano that blew apart poor Wailing Woods. Others are much more standard, including searching chests in different locations, eliminating people with different weapons, and the like.

First, there are the three free challenges, that you can complete regardless if you have the battle pass or not. These are Visit all Pirate Camps, of which there are seven, Search Chests at Retail Row or Junk Junction (seven needed), and Deal damage with a Shotgun and an Explosive Weapon in a single match. That’s the first step of several challenges. For me, that one is the most annoying, because I hate explosive weapons, but oh well.
Then, we have the four challenges that are exclusive to the battle pass havers. The first one is Visit a giant face in the desert, the jungle and the snow, and there are three. Second is Use a Volcano Vent in different matches, which is pretty easy, unless you’re getting ganged-up on at the volcano. The other two are fairly basic (but not necessarily easy): Get an elimination with a Shotgun, Assault Rifle and Explosive Weapon and Deal Damage to a vehicle driven by an opponent. Considering they vaulted All Terrain Karts, that last one is gonna be a bit of a bastard.
So, that’s your lot for this week. Aside from your dailies, and all that, of course. It seems like a relatively strong start for the season. Although, that said, I have to admit, I was hoping for more challenges related to the pirate theme, or the new volcano location. Oh well, they do have to save stuff for the upcoming weeks, I guess.