Fortnite Search Treasure Map Signpost in Junk Junction Challenge
Search the treasure map signpost found in Junk Junction is one of the new battle pass challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. In order to complete it, you’ll have to find a hidden wooden board in the scrap yard, interact with it to reveal the map, then follow the map to get to a secret battle star. If you’re having trouble finding either the map or the treasure, this guide will help you complete Fortnite BR search treasure map signpost in Junk Junction challenge.

Junk junction treasure map signpost location
Once you jump out of the bus, head to the northwestern corner of the map. As you land at the junkyard, head to the basketball court. If you look to the east of it, you’ll see a blue container between two piles of scrap. Jump over the pallets to get to it, and you’ll reach the signpost. Remember, you have to interact with it for the map to appear.
Follow the treasure map signpost found in Junk Junction
You probably recognize the area from the map, if not from simply playing the game, then from one of the challenges from the previous weeks. The fork and knife are big holes in the ground near Fatal Fields. If you land at the farm, simply head northwest and you’ll run into them in no time. The star is above a big rock at the lowest point of the knife’s blade.
Easy peasy. As usual, at least a quarter of the players in each match during the first day will try to go to these spots. It’s going to be crowded. If you’re not in a hurry, you’re better off waiting for the rush to subside. If you are in a hurry (the season’s end is right around the corner, after all), make sure you exercise caution.