Fortnite Search Hidden O Found in Open Water Loading Screen
Search Hidden O Found in Open Water Loading Screen is a new mission in Fortnite. It requires you to look at a particular loading screen and find a collectible hidden on it, then visit the location shown on the picture and grab the glowing letter. Since the map is new, a lot of people may be having trouble finding the exact spot. In this guide, we’re going to help you complete the Fortnite Search Hidden O Found in Open Water Loading Screen mission.

Hidden O Location in Open Water
The loading screen, which is called Open Water, shows people having fun in the sea, with a beach-side settlement in the background. That narrows things a lot – there’s only a handful of those, and they’re all on the northern edge of the island. If you look at the map, you’ll see only one of them actually fits what we see in the image, and that’s Craggy Cliffs – the smaller one, in the east.
Once you get there, go to the beach and look at the big building. It’s standing on stilts, and the letter is on a ledge underneath the building. Approach it and interact with it, and the mission will be marked as completed.
This is one of the easier missions from the second set, as you can simply land there at the start of the match, grab the collectible and stop caring whether you live or die. Since the place is well shielded – by the rocks, the building and the stilts, you won’t even have to worry about griefers waiting for you with a gun. Or you can just give it a few days – most players will lose interest in the place after a while, and you’ll be able to grab the item without any fuss.