Search Between Covered Bridge, Waterfall, 9th Green - Fortnite BR
Search between covered bridge, waterfall, 9th green is one of the weekly battle pass challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. It’s part of the set for week 10 season 5. In order to complete it, you’ll have to identify the three landmarks mentioned in the title, then find a secret battle star somewhere between them. If you’re not really familiar with the map, this might prove to be a tough task. This guide is going to help you complete the Fortnite BR Search Between Covered Bridge, Waterfall, 9th Green challenge, by showing you where to look.

Fortnite Covered Bridge, Waterfall, 9th Green Locations
UPDATE: The predictions were true! The star is, indeed, east of Lazy Links, on a patch of gravel next to a small garage.
ORIGINAL TEXT: There are several waterfalls on the map, so that’s not too helpful by itself. There’s also more than one covered bridge. The part of the hint that actually points to one specific place is the 9th green. It refers to the ninth hole of the Lazy Links golf course. It’s the one directly north of the pond with the gazebo. Now that we’ve narrowed that down, things become a lot easier. There’s a waterfall northeast from there, where the river reaches the end of the map. A covered bridge can be found a bit down the river, and it connects Lazy Links with Risky Reels.
The secret battle star is in the triangle formed by those three locations. We don’t know exactly where it will be, since the challenges haven’t gone live yet, but speculation can get you far in this game. The star’s usually on a patch of dirt, but there’s a bunch of dirt around here. A lot of people seem to thing it’s going to be on the patch of gravel this time, which can be found next to the little shack.
We’re going to update this guide with the precise locations and screenshots as soon as Week 10 starts, so stay tuned.