Search Between Bear, Crater & Refrigerator Shipment - Fortnite BR
Search Between Bear, Crater & Refrigerator Shipment is one of the week 8 challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale’s season 4. If you want to complete it and level up your battlepass, you’ll have to find the three landmarks mentioned in the name, then look between them for the treasure. If you’ve already completed weekly challenges from previous weeks, you’ll know the treasure is in fact a battle star. It only appears when you’re near it, so it can be hard to find. This guide is going to show you Fortnite BR bear, crater & refrigerator shipment locations, to help you get your prize.

Bear, crater, refrigerator shipment locations
If you’re anything like me, you’ll vaguely remember seeing a bear statue somewhere, but won’t be able to pinpoint its location. It’s a tall wooden statue of a bear with a hat and pipe, and in order to find it, you should take the road southeast from Retail Row. The bear will be at the first crossroads. The crater is east from there, near the shopping cart racing track – you’ve probably visited it countless times during the hop rock craze. Finally, the refrigerator shipment is in a truck at the gas station directly south from the bear.
We still don’t know the exact location, since the challenges aren’t live yet, but we’ll update this page when we discover it. There’s a suspicious dry patch in the meadow between the three landmarks, and it’s close to the center of the triangle. The battle star will probably appear there, but there’s no guarantee. Epic might even change the challenge altogether, to spite dataminers and everyone else looking to get a head start. It wouldn’t be the first time. Watch this space for updates – if anything changes, we’ll be sure to let you know.