Fortnite BR Salty Springs Treasure Map Location
Follow the treasure map found in Salty Springs is one of the weekly challenges in Fortnite BR. You’ll have to complete it if you want to max out your battlepass, and that might be an issue. In order to complete it, you need to find a battle star hidden somewhere on the map. It only appears when you stand next to it, and the only hint you’ll get for its location is a badly drawn map hidden somewhere in Salty Springs. This guide is going to help you by showing you the exact Fortnite BR Salty Springs treasure map location.

Follow the treasure map found in Salty Springs
The treasure map may be in Salty Springs, but you absolutely don’t need to wrack your brain looking for it. Salty Springs is a tiny place, and the treasure map is pretty well-hidden. It’s off the beaten path, and you can miss it fairly easily. If you do want to find the map, then head to the small rock shed in the west of the Salty Springs area, just above the A in Salty Springs on the map. Go inside the shed and turn around towards the door. You’ll find the map on the wall left of the door.
That being said, as we’ve just mentioned, there’s no reason for you to search Salty Springs amidst the onslaught of players trying to get in on the action. Instead, why not just go directly for the goal? The battle star collectible is in the race track area in the east of the map, south of Lonely Lodge. Specifically, it’s in the curve of the race track next to the light-green growth on the map, in the northwest corner of sector J7.
In practice, said light-green growth is actually a weeping willow, surrounded by hay bales. There’s a pile of car tires near the willow, and the battle star will appear right next to it.