Fortnite BR Risky Reels Treasure Map Location Weekly Challenge
Follow the Treasure Map found in Risky Reels is one of the challenges in Fortnite Season 5 Week 1. As the name implies, the goal is to locate the map in Risky Reels, then go to the location it points towards and collect the battle star. Like always, the Risky Reels treasure map is hidden in a place that you might easily overlook. To help you out, we’ll show you where to find Risky Reels treasure map in Fortnite Season 5 Week 1.

Follow the Treasure Map Found in Risky Reels Season 5 Week 1 Challenge
The treasure map in Fortnite Season 5 Week 1 is, as the challenge name clearly states, in Risky Reels. The area is still in the same location as it was in the previous season, in the far northeast corner of the map. The treasure map itself is in the northwest corner of Risky Reels, pinned onto one of the tall, wooden fences, next to a small wooden shed. Take a good look at the map to figure out where the battle star lies.
The drawing on the map is very clear as to where exactly the battle star is. It’s on a ledge above the double entrance of the tunnel southwest of Tomato Town. Getting up there is a fairly simple task, and you can likely pull the whole thing off in one run, provided it’s not too crowded up there. Climb up the hill above the ledge, and simply drop down. Collect the battle star to complete the Follow Treasure Map in Risky Reels Season 5 Week 1 challenge.
Since this is the first week of Fortnite Season 5, it’s highly likely that there will be a whole lot of people rushing to complete the different challenges. So, you might want to take your time with this one. Instead, you can, for example, go ahead and search chests in Snobby Shores or Search floating lightning bolts or do some of the other challenges until the heat dies down a bit.