Fortnite BR Retail Row Treasure Map Location - Weekly Challenge
Follow the Retail Row Treasure Map is one of week 7 Fortnite BR weekly challenges. The first step is to locate the treasure map hidden somewhere in Retail Row. It will give you a clue as to where the Battle Star golden collectible is. The map can be a bit difficult to find. So, we’re going to show you where to find the Fortnite BR treasure map in Retail Row, as well as the location of the Retail Row treasure.

Follow the Treasure Map Found in Retail Row
As in several other of these challenges that we’ve seen before, you have to locate a map that will point you to the treasure. This time around, the treasure map will be in Retail Row. Retail Row is a pretty large place, with many tricky nooks and crannies. To find the map, head to the large, blue overhead power line in the northeast corner of Retail Row. It’s very noticeable, so you shouldn’t have trouble finding it. Once in the brick enclosure, you’ll notice two dumpsters, and the map is peeking just above one of them. Destroy it to reveal the Retail Row treasure map.
Where to find Retail Row Treasure?
The treasure is clearly in Wailing Woods, since the map found in Retail Row clearly points to a hedge maze. It’s in the west nook of the maze, and you can drop right in there from the bus, provided that its path makes it possible. The map is as obvious as it gets, so you should have no problems following it.
If you’re going by foot, here’s exactly how to get to the treasure. Go inside the maze through the southern entrance. Take the first left, then left again. When you reach the southern outer wall, turn right, and go straight to the southwest corner. From there, turn right, to the north. From there, just head straight until you reach the golden Battle Star collectible.