Fortnite Mobile Invites Are Coming Out, Already Reaches Top of App Store
Epic Games has started sending out invitations for the Fortnite iOS closed beta testing. The first wave came out yesterday, with more to come in the near future. The mobile version of Fortnite has already climbed to the first place of the “free app” section of the app store.

The first wave of invitations for Forntite on iOS have come out, and people have begun to play. If you haven’t yet received your invite, be patient. Epic Games will be sending out more waves in the coming days and weeks. I know many of you can’t wait to play Fortnite on the go, but that’s the luck of the draw. Imagine how Android users feel; they can’t even apply for an invite yet.
And, if you needed further testament of how huge Fortnite is getting, it has already reached Number 1 on the app store in the “free apps” category, according to Gamespot. Let me reiterate here: this is currently an invite-only thing. It’s basically a closed beta. Now, Epic Games has announced that everyone that gets an invitation will get a few codes to send to others, but still. This is a pretty damn impressive feat. If there has been an app that has managed to do this before, I don’t know of it.
The mobile version of Fortnite, for the most part, works exactly like all the others. One of the major differences is how you control it. All of the controls are on the screen, and you have to tap that place to execute an action. This includes aiming down the sights, crouching, jumping, and so on. You move your character with a virtual joystick which also on the screen. There’s also one more important element. According to Polygon, the mobile version has an indicator of where your enemies are, which appears as a little arch in the direction of the enemy. The more visible it is, the closer/louder the enemy is. If it turns red, then gunfire is coming from that direction.