Fortnite BR Gravity Stones Locations - Week 5 Challenge
Search gravity stones is one of the week 5 challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. You’ll need to complete it if you want to finish your season 4 battlepass. To do so, you’ll have to find seven of these stones and interact with them. If you’re having trouble finding them, read on and we’ll show you all Fortnite BR gravity stones locations.

Search gravity stones
We’ll update this page with precise locations of the gravity stones as soon as the challenges go live, which will be sometime tomorrow. Until then, everything we say is going to be based on speculation. Thankfully, there’s enough of that to go around, so let’s dive in.
The first, instinctive reaction is to connect the so called gravity stones with hop rocks, the consumable crystals that let you defy gravity. The name doesn’t match, obviously, but that doesn’t stop people from believing. Since the gravity stone name is the result of data mining, it’s possible that’s what the game calls them behind the curtain. Still, hop rocks have been around long enough, and we don’t think it’s going to be them.
Another school of thought believes they’re going to be loot containers, like llamas and chests, because of the word “search”. Those who subscribe to this theory obviously haven’t been paying attention – the rubber duckies were also “searched”, even though they weren’t actually searched. It’s a bit lazy on Epic’s part, but every time you have to interact with a stationary object by approaching it and holding a button, they seem to call it searching. They might still be containers, but this is not the argument to base that belief on.
We’ll know for certain tomorrow, and hopefully all goes well so we don’t have to wait out half a day of server maintenance.