Fortnite Solid Snake Release Date, Metal Gear Update

In our Fortnite Solid Snake Release Date, Metal Gear Update guide, we are going to talk about when Solid Snake is coming to Fortnite, as well as which Metal Gear-themed cosmetic items you’ll be able to earn. Fans have been excited about this ever since dataminers discovered that gaming’s most famous sneaky spy is coming to Fortnite, and the time is almost upon us. So, let’s get right into it!

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fortnite solid snake release date metal gear update
Fortnite Solid Snake Release Date, Metal Gear Update

When is Solid Snake Coming to Fortnite

According to the in-game countdown, the release of Solid Snake in Fortnite is going to be January 23rd, 2023, which means he’s coming some fifty days after after Chapter 5 Season 1 begins. Which would make sense, because the 23rd of January is a Tuesday, which is when Fortnite updates often drop. You’ll then be able to earn all that stuff until March 8th, barring any unforeseen circumstances. Naturally, all of the Metal Gear-themed items will be rewards in the battle pass. We don’t know which levels they will be on, so that remains to be seen. Speaking of the themed items, let’s cover what you’ll be able to earn.

Fortnite Solid Snake Rewards

Now that we’ve covered the released ate of the Metal Gear update, let’s talk about the Fortnite Solid Snake rewards. While not much is known 100% officially, we’re pretty confident that the list below is complete. We’re talking three different variations of the Solid Snake skin and new looks for your glider, backpack, pickaxe and wrap. Of course, you’ll also unlock other rewards for moving through the battle pass, but we’re only focusing on the Metal Gear stuff here. I’d imagine the rest will be the usual fare. With all of that said, here’s the list.

  • Solid Snake skin / outfit
  • Night Vision Solid Snake skin / outfit
  • Old Snake Solid Snake skin / outfit
  • Stun Knife pickaxe
  • Metal Gear wrap
  • Metal Gear Mk. II backpack / back bling
  • Raging Raven glider
Author JoeTheBard profile picture
A language teacher and video game enthusiast turned rogue, Joe is on a quest to become the ultimate gaming journalist. This is somewhat hampered by his belief that the golden age of gaming ended with the PlayStation One, but he doesn't let that stop him. His favorite games include Soul Reaver and Undertale. Other interests are D'n'D, dad rock, complaining about movies, and being the self-appointed office funny man, which nobody else agrees with.


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