Fortnite BR Foraged Items Locations - Where to Find Apples & Mushrooms
Consume hop rocks, apples or mushrooms is one of the challenges in week 7 of season 4 in Fortnite Battle Royale. It sounds easy enough – all you have to do is eat grab apples, mushrooms or hop rocks. However, it’s actually quite a large quantity, considering they spawn irregularly, and in clusters of three or four. Luckily, there are a couple of places where you’re guaranteed to find a bunch of them. In this guide, we’re going to show you the best Fortnite BR foraged items locations.

Consume hop rocks, apples or mushrooms
UPDATE: It turns out hop rocks will also do the trick. You can find them in any of the remaining craters, so your best bet is to just go to Dusty Divot.
In order to complete the challenge, you have to gobble down a combination of twenty foraged items – it doesn’t matter how many of each kind you get. The best way to do this is to dedicate a match or two to it. Go to one of these locations, and run around eating as much as you can find.

There are large quantities of mushrooms in the Wailing Woods, under the thick boughs. The darkness seems to suit them, just like in real life. You’ll also find a fair bit of them in Moisty Mire, on the small islands that form around trees. Finally, you can visit the forest surrounding the mines at Shifty Shafts. If you want apples, your best bet would be to run around Fatal Fields – there aren’t any dedicated orchards, but the trees there seem to have a higher chance of bearing fruit than others.
If you discover these places are too crowded thanks to the challenge, you could just grab an apple or mushroom when you see one, without hunting them specifically. It would take considerably longer, but you’d avoid all the other players fighting for scraps of foraged fruit. Either that, or just give it a few days.
will hop rocks count as its not listed on the server files
Yep, they count.