Fortnite BR Film Camera Locations - Dance In Front of Different Cameras
Dance in front of different film cameras is one of the week 2 challenges in Fortnite BR’s season 4 battlepass. It’s pretty simple – you need to find seven different film cameras, and dance in front of them. The catch is that some of them are pretty well hidden, in places people don’t usually frequent. In order to help you complete this challenge, we’ve written this Fortnite BR film camera locations guide.

Dance in front of different film cameras
You’ll find the first camera in the new film studio a few paces east of Junk Junction. Just go through the main entrance and you’ll run into the thing, watching over a sitcom set.
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The second one is also in a new spot. It’s in the outdoor movie theater at Risky Reels, northeast of Tomato Town. Go into the building on the northern edge of the crater, through the metal door on the ground floor. Follow the corridors to the green screen room, which is where you’ll find the camera.
There’s also one in the church at Haunted Hills. Go through the main entrance, and you’ll see it behind the altar, prepared to shoot a horror flick. There’s a bunch of coffins around, so it probably has something to do with the undead.
The next one is at the race track on the eastern edge of the map, directly south of Lonely Lodge. It’s where the shopping cart races take place. Drop by the starting position, and you’ll see the camera aimed at the contestants.
You can look for another camera in a rundown shack west of Greasy Grove, at the foot of the hill. We’re not going to go into what they may have been recording there, but it’s a seedy place.
If you look closely at Moisty Mire on the map, you’ll see some changes. There’s an action movie set in the southeastern corner of the region. Go there, and look for a scene with a helicopter that has crashed into a tree. The camera will be on a ramp near it.
This one seems to be more for live coverage than for filming. It’s in the soccer field halfway between Tilted Towers and Snobby Shores. When you get to the tiny, unnamed location, simply go into the biggest building and look for a camera by the field.
The next one was among the hardest to find. It’s at Shifty Shafts, at one of the houses near the mines. Once you land, head into the gray house. Take the steps to the basement, and you’ll find a room with a green screen there, and a camera pointed towards the desk.
The last one we’ve found is on the bridge leading towards the prison in the southeast of the map. It’s pretty hard to miss.