Fortnite Destroy Toilets & Find Plunger Locations - Deadpool Challenge
Find Deadpool’s toilet plunger and destroy toilets are this week’s Deadpool challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. For the first one, you’ll have to hunt down a specific object. For the second, you’ll have to destroy three toilet bowls. If you’re having trouble finding either, this guide is going to show you Fortnite find toilet plunger & destroy toilets locations.

Where to find Deadpool’s toilet plunger?
You can get this one pretty quickly, but it’s easy to miss. From the main meeting room, select the Agents door, then pick TNTina (the second choice). Once you’re in her room, look for the plunger in the upper right corner, above the workbench.
Where to find toilets in Fortnite?
Any old toilet bowl will do – any three, to be precise. The best place to complete this challenge is one that’s densely populated, like Pleasant Park. Pretty much every building in town is residential, which means it’s guaranteed to have a toilet. Some are on lower floors, some on upper – make sure you check the houses you choose thoroughly, and try to do it in a match where the bus route doesn’t go above Pleasant Park.
The three houses we chose are the red-brick tenement in the northwestern corner of town (with a bathroom up the stairs and through the sketching room), the yellow house south from it (directly next to the back entrance) and the white one further south (on the upper floor). If you prefer a video explanation, you can check out our destroy toilets & find plunger location video. You don’t even have to destroy them all in the same match, so if the place is too crowded, you can try doing it in several takes. If you’re not in a hurry to complete the challenge, you can come back in a few days – most people will have done it by then, and there will be enough toilets for everyone again.