Dance With Others to Raise Disco Ball Near Loot Lake - Fortnite BR
Dance With Others to Raise the Disco Ball Near Loot Lake is one of the week 5 challenges in Fortnite Battle Royale. It’s a pretty simple task when you have a crew of willing participants and know where to go. The first one should be easy enough for the first few days – everyone will be trying to complete it. The second one isn’t that hard to begin with, as the name of the challenge gives you a big, fat hint. In case you end up getting stuck, scroll down for our Fortnite BR dance with others to raise disco ball near loot lake guide.

Disco Ball Near Loot Lake Location
You need to go to one of the factories at Loot Lake. It’s on the east side of the lake, next to the northern pier. Go inside, and when you’re on the ground floor, you’ll notice a disco ball on the ground, with a big pole going through it. You and three others will have to stand on the dance pads in the corners – there’s four of them – and dance at the same time. This will activate the hidden mechanism that makes the ball go up.
Once the ball is all the way up, you’ll see fireworks, indicating you’ve completed the challenge. Naturally, your best bet would be to try and complete this with actual friends. The second best choice would be playing in a random squad. That way, you’ll only have to convince the others to join you on your quest. If you try to complete it during the first two days, you might even have luck in solo or duo mode – everyone with a battle pass will be gunning for it, and most people will probably be willing to bury the hatchet long enough to perform the dance.