Collect Floating Rings at Misty Meadows - Fortnite
Collect floating rings at Misty Meadows is a new weekly challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale. In order to complete it, you’ll have to go to the town in the south of the map and look for several glowing rings floating above buildings and other structures. The problem is, they’re light blue, so it can be pretty hard to spot them from the ground, and they’re not exactly big, which makes them hard to spot from the air as well. This guide will help you complete the challenge by showing you Fortnite Misty Meadows floating rings locations.

Floating rings locations in Misty Meadows
There are four floating rings in Misty Meadows. If you’re landing there, it would be best to grab the one on top of the clock tower first. It’s the highest building in town, and you’ll save a lot of building materials that way. While you’re standing there, you’ll be able to see the locations of the other three.
The second ring is on top of the blue house on the other side of the river, the one in the middle. The third ring is on the tiny building on the plateau in the southeastern corner of town. The last one is on the big cottage overlooking the town from the south.
We don’t know whether you have to collect them all in the same match. If not, you can just get them one by one without fear of death. If you do have to get them all at the same time, your best bet would be to wait for a match in which the battle bus doesn’t even go near Misty Meadows. That way, you won’t have to fight off as many people. You’ll need some building materials to get the rings, as they’re all suspended above ground.