Car Locations in Fortnite - Small, Medium, Large, Truck, Taxi
Cars in Fortnite are a new addition to the game, and they include small, medium, large cars as well as trucks and taxis, such as the Whiplash, Prevalent, Bear and Mudflap, and people are wondering where to find them. Of course they are wondering where to find Fortnite cars and trucks, considering that the update has been delayed several times. So, where can you find cars and trucks in Fortnite? Well, keep reading our Car Locations in Fortnite – Small, Medium, Large, Truck, Taxi guide to find out.

Where to Find Fortnite Cars Locations?
Car locations in Fortnite seem to be all over the place. They are stacked to the brim in every single town, and you can also find them randomly on roads. So, really, whichever car you want to get, odds are, you’ll be just fine. Of course, you also have to take into account that other people will also be looking for vehicles, and it’s very much first come, first served. You can expect everyone trying to get their hands on the wheel, so be quick. But, yeah, the cars are everywhere, so I think that won’t be too much of a problem.
Now, some things to know about the cars in Fortnite. For one, all of them have different speeds, health, and fuel, depending on the size. Also, some of them have clamps on, and we’re not sure how exactly to unlock them. Maybe you can tell us in the comments. Also, when the car gets to zero health, it will explode, so be sure to get the frick out and run away as far as you can. They do a metric ton of damage.
Lastly, a fun little strategy tip. You can shoot the tires to pop them. So, if you’re trying to get a car to stop, or you want to disable any vehicle, go for the tires if you can. Good luck out there!
How to Drive a Car in Fortnite
To drive a car in Fortnite, all you have to do is get into one. When you do, the game is going to list everything for you. True, the controls kinda disappear after a while, so let’s list them so you know what to do, at least, on PC.
- Handbrake – Space
- Honk – Right Click
- Switch Seat – L-Ctrl
- Exit – Hold E
- Boost – Hold L-Shift
- Toggle Radio – R
- Next Station – C
Everything else works exactly the same as with any other vehicle in Fortnite. Honestly, the only real, major change is the addition of radio stations. These include Party Royale, Radio Yonder, Beat Box, and Power Play. So, yeah, there are even some fun tunes you can listen to while you’re cruising.
For some reason the radio for me doesn’t work.
Hi! So, you commented that on the day they came out. The radio was broken on that day, but will work now.