Fortnite Bifrost Location - Visit Bifrost Marks As Thor
Visit Bifrost marks as Thor is a new challenge in Fortnite Battle Royale. It’s part of Season 4, and the Marvel crossover that the whole season is themed around. In order to complete it, you’ll have to use the Thor skin and find the suspicious glowing markings on the ground. That’s all there is to it. They’re even visible from the air, so if you know where to look, you should have no trouble finding them. If you do get stuck, this guide will show you Fortnite Bifrost location.

Visit Bifrost Marks as Thor challenge in Season 4
The Bifrost marks are a series of intricate drawings on the ground. You’ll find it east of the Weeping Woods, on the western edge of the new area. They’re on a hill between the forest and the bunch of broken purple giants. Simply land there and you’ll complete the challenge.
The whole challenge is a bit underwhelming – Bifrost is supposed to be a bridge between the human realm and the realm of the gods, so visiting the marks and seeing nothing happen is kind of a downer. Mayber something will happen later in the season? It wouldn’t be the first time the developers have prepared a surprise. Maybe we’ll get to use the Bifrost to travel to a new map? Or summon something terrible to this one?
This is only the first of the Thor challenges, which will unlock additional cosmetic items for the Thor skin and upgrade it. They’re going to be around for the entire season, so there’s no rush to complete them all on the first day. You’ll probably want to, though. We’re going to keep playing them, and if there’s anything worth writing about, we’ll definitely put out a guide, so stay tuned.