For Honor Season Pass Details and Post-Launch DLC Content
Ubisoft announced details for post-launch DLC and season pass details in For Honor. Season Pass owners will have access to a lot of extra content, as well as early access to stuff that everyone will get. The game will also include free DLC, including new maps, gear and game modes every season.

You can get the For Honor Season Pass separate from the game for $40, or by buying the $100 Gold Edition of the game. Here’s the exclusive content only holders of the pass will get.
- Three exclusive emblem outlines
- Three additional scavenger crates to unlock new gear
- 30-day Champion Status, giving you 30 days of 25% more EXP, and 10% more to your teammates.
- Sunbeam emote effect
Additionally, you’ll get early (and free) access to other in game content that we’ll list below.
For Honor’s first year will be structured in four seasons, each three months long. At the end of every season, everyone gets certain bonuses, with the winners of the War of Factions getting more than others. Ubisoft will introduce two new heroes each season, which you can buy using in-game currency (or by getting the Season Pass).
Other seasonal content includes two new maps each season, as well as new armor, weapons and rewards, all of this for free. Of course, Season Pass holders will get access earlier, but still. This is a good way of keeping the game fresh and follows a similar pattern to Rainbow Six Siege.
The video detailing post-launch content embedded below also mentions new game modes in the future. Specifically, it teases Tournament and Ranked play.
Overall, at least for now, it seems like Ubisoft is trying to close the gap between Season Pass owners and other players. How much this will hold up in the future remains to be seen.
For Honor comes out on February 14th for Xbox One, PC and PlayStation 4. However, you’ll have a chance to give it a spin before you buy it. The For Honor Open Beta will be available between February 9th and 12th.