For Honor Closed Alpha Was a Success, According to Developer
Ubisoft has sent out a press release, showing off some of the numbers from the For Honor closed alpha. According to the developers, the alpha was a great success, with a bunch of active participants, Twitch viewers and a lot of time spent in combat.

Amazed by the players’ response, Stephane Cardin, producer at Ubisoft, said:
For Honor is going to be released on February 14th, 2017, on PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4. It’s going to be a full-priced game, selling for around $60.

Amazed by the players’ response, Stephane Cardin, producer at Ubisoft, said:
It’s pretty amazing that a game that is still in closed alpha is attracting this kind of attention.Here are some fun facts they’ve decided to share with the public:We hope it means that word is getting out and that players are seeing how competitive, intense and fun For Honor can be.
- “Hundreds of thousands” of invites were sent out. They didn’t say anything about how many turned up, but the alpha was the biggest semi-public test Ubisoft has ever held.
- The average playtime was about 4 hours and 40 minutes. It increased from day to day.
- More than a third of the active players participated in three of the four days of running time.
- While the alpha was under way, For Honor had constantly been in the top 10 most watched games on Twitch, peaking at second place.
- The number of player deaths was around 89,603,900.
- There were an average of 259 deaths every second.
- There’s approximately 40% more beta sign-ups than for any other Ubisoft game to date.
For Honor is going to be released on February 14th, 2017, on PC, Xbox One and Playstation 4. It’s going to be a full-priced game, selling for around $60.